Refund Policy

Relax massage is committed to providing a professional and pleasant service to its customer.

Cancel pre-paid appointment

If a customer would like to cancel a pre-paid massage before the appointment time, Relax Massage will refund the full amount back to the customer’s original payment method.

Massage not finished

If a customer needed to leave during a massage, Relax Massage can offer a partial refund for the unfinished time or can save the unfinished time for the customer and reschedule another appointment.

Service Not Satisfied

If a customer was not satisfied during the massage, Relax Massage will provide a partial refund. At the time massage is finished, Relax Massage will not be able to offer any refund.

Relax Massage reserves the right to: assess the service been given prior to providing a refund.

Require additional service besides massage

Relax Massage is a legally licensed and professional therapy place, if a customer required any illegal or sexual service, Relax Massage will terminate the service and will not offer any refund.


December 25th, 2016